Tuesday, April 15, 2008

UPDATED - summer 2008 staffing needs

The following staff is needed for the upcoming summer (all must have completed high school).

Please put your feelers out and see if you can work some magic. Potential staff just need to download a (new) staff application from and e-mail, fax, mail it to the winter office. In addition, they need to download three reference forms and a background check form - all at the same site.

Thanks so much for your help!

Unit Staff (out of 13 each time except 5th)
7 - 1st session
7 - 2nd session
1 - 3rd session
2 - 4th session
4 - 5th session

Program/Support Staff
Horseback assistant - all summer
Pool Director (must be 21 and a lifeguard) - all summer
Ropes course (have a counselor, but she cannot do this job and CIT Mom all by herself) - at least 1st through 4th session
Program Director - all summer
Nurse 3rd session (have a lead, nothing in writing yet)
Nurse 4th session
Cook all summer
Cook all summer

Dates are:
Precamp: June 2 - 7
1st: June 8-14
2nd: June 16-28
3rd: June 30-July 6
4th: July 7-19
5th: July 21 - Aug. 2

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Spring Work Weekend!!

It’s TIME!!!

The CJL Spring Work Weekend is scheduled for April 18, 19, & 20.

This is our weekend to open camp in preparation for the annual Parent-Daughter Weekend, which will be two weeks later. Our main task will be to clean and prepare Camp for the big event and do lots of small repair jobs. The Parent-Daughter Weekend has proven to be extremely successful in our recruiting efforts and for spreading the good word about CJL. It is vital that we have lots of help making Camp look as good as possible. If you know friends, relatives, or other Alums that would like to join up for the fun, fellowship, and fabulous food (oh yes, and a little hard work), please invite them and include them on your registration form. We would really appreciate the extra help and would especially appreciate a commitment to work both Saturday and Sunday.

Many folks arrive on Friday night after supper (Dot’s first meal will be Saturday morning breakfast). Work begins Saturday morning right after breakfast. Remember to bring warm clothing and warm sleeping gear as it can be chilly at night on the mountain. Don’t forget your rain gear!! As always it’s helpful to bring work gloves and whatever tools you think might be handy such as rakes, shovels, clippers, hammers, etc. Especially handy are gas-powered blowers.

Please email Carolyn Wood Frost at cfrost214@bellsouth.net to make a reservation by Tuesday, April 15th. Please be specific about the number of people in your party and meals to be eaten. It is very important to give Dot an accurate meal count, as she will have to purchase all the food for our weekend. We want to have adequate food without being wasteful.

Thank you for your help and support on past work weekends and I hope to see each of you in April.

Staff needed for upcoming summer!

The following staff is needed for the upcoming summer (all must have completed high school).

Please put your feelers out and see if you can work some magic. Potential staff just need to download a (new) staff application from and e-mail, fax, mail it to the winter office. In addition, they need to download three reference forms and a background check form - all at the same site.

Thanks so much for your help!

Unit Staff (out of 13 each time except 5th)
8 - 1st session
7 - 2nd session
2 - 3rd session
3 - 4th session
5 - 5th session

Program/Support Staff
Horseback assistant - all summer
Pool Director (must be 21 and a lifeguard) - all summer
Ropes course (have a counselor, but she cannot do this job and CIT Mom all by herself) - at least 1st through 4th session
Program Director - all summer
Nurse 3rd session (have a lead, nothing in writing yet)
Nurse 4th session
Cook all summer
Cook all summer
Trading Post 3rd session
Trading Post 5th session (first week)

Dates are:
Precamp: June 2 - 7
1st: June 8-14
2nd: June 16-28
3rd: June 30-July 6
4th: July 7-19
5th: July 21 - Aug. 2